Creating an XForm Using Web Service Operation Generated on Data Source |
Before you begin this task:
- You must create a blank XForm.
- You must generate Web service operations on a data source using Database Metadata.
Process Platform provides you the facility to create an interface for the Web service operation that you generated. At run time, when users work with the user interface, it triggers the related Web service operation to execute necessary actions on the configured data source. The following steps contain information on creating such an interface using the Web service operations.
- Open the XForm that you created. The XForm window appears displaying the name of the XForm on its title bar.
- Locate the Web service operation
that you generated, and drag-and-drop it in the empty space on the Design tab of the XForm. The Generate Input and Output UI dialog box appears displaying the details from the Web service operation.
- On the toolbar of the XForm, click
. The XForm is saved with the generated user interface details.
- On the toolbar, click
(Preview). The preview of the XForm appears.
- Depending upon the Web service operation that you used, provide an input value in the Input UI and execute the action.
Note: Sometimes, an error appears while displaying the results. In such a case, restart the WS-AppServer service from System Resources Manager (). The retrieved results will be displayed in the Output UI.
Note: You can cross-check the data by referring to the database tables.
The XForm is created for the Web service operation generated on the data source.